We are experts in palm tree pruning in Mallorca and we offer high pruning. Currently, palm tree pruning is applied for safety, cleanliness, aesthetics and health reasons. In the wild the palm tree does not need pruning to live, but when introduced in our parks and gardens they require regular maintenance. The more green leaves the palm tree maintains, the more photosynthetic capacity it has and therefore the greater the production of nutrients.
In the Phoenix cannariensis and Phoenix dactylifera varieties, we use a palm tree blade to shave the trunk and cut the leaves and leave them in the shape of a balloon. In Washingtonias we do ring pruning. Our work is a clean and professional job with climbing techniques without damaging the palm trees. We have a service of removal of pruning and felling debris to the composting or incineration plant following the protocol of the Conselleria de Medi Ambient in case the palm tree is affected by red palm weevil.
For safety reasons in public places, removing bunches, leaves and dry parts.
For reasons of cleaning public spaces of the detached debris.
For purely visual ornamental reasons.
For health reasons in sick specimens.